I have declared 2013 as 'the year of trial and error'. I'm going to experiment a little. I'm going to make some discoveries, and probably some mistakes (another word for discoveries) along the way. Like I say to my students all the time - "You learn more from mistakes and failures than you do from success". So with that, I give myself permission to experiment with things like technology, lesson ideas, concepts, flipping the classroom and some other areas of my teaching.
Here in Australia we have just completed our first week of term 3. Already some experiments are paying off. Here are some of the newer things that I have tried so far:
1. 'The Amazing Race' - as an introduction to cross country/orienteering I devised a lesson that simulated the TV show of the same name. You've seen it - people following maps and instructions to reach check points and then complete a task. Ask students to run cross country usually results in moans and groans, but my classes (yr 4, 5, 6) were happy to run across the school grounds and perform physical tasks for 40 minutes without any complaints. I pointed this out to them in the debrief - find physical activities that you enjoy doing, that keep you stimulated, and you will forget that you are exercising at all. I emailed my yr 5 classes this orienteering youtube clip and posted it onto my Yr 6 PE group on Edmodo.
2. Skipping Challenge - My school participates in the Heart Foundation's 'Jump Rope For Heart' programme every second year. I devised three charts (bronze, silver and gold) each with 11 pictures and descriptions of skipping tricks, with bronze being the easier tricks and Gold being quite challenging. Students have a list of all the tricks on a page and select the tricks they would like to try and master. A peer must witness the trick being performed 3 times for it to be considered mastered. I like that students can work at their level, and can choose the tasks that interest them.
3. Alphabet Challenge - I dusted off an old 'Gymfit' resource and whittled it down to a few activities that I decided I would use this year. One of those is a list of 26 activities (each is assigned a letter of the alphabet) involving the use of skipping ropes, hoops, large balls and small balls. Students were paired off and introduced to the idea of 'peer assessment'. I made a record sheet for the students to check off when they observed their partner performing the task as per the picture. Again students could work at their pace and choose the activities that interested them. All students were engaged. They were learning how to compromise when it came to choosing activities as well as being honest when peer assessing.
4. Ipad and projector screen - I am very keen to make use of the large screen and projector screen in our undercover area. So far I have shown youtube videos for instruction, as well as setting up a station where 3 students at a time play games such as Bit Breaker, Fit Freeway and Fuego's River Adventure. It was such a big hit and I had parents and other teachers stopping to have a look. One teacher brought out her class for a demonstration. These are great as wet weather activities.
5. Socrative - I teach health to our Yr 6 students. Our theme for this term is 'Challenges and Choices'. Getting 11 year olds involved in discussion can be a challenge in itself. With the increased number of laptops available I was able to use the Socrative App on my ipad projected up onto the interactive white board while students logged onto the 'student' site. From here I could ask a discussion question and have the students type in their thoughts. The responses come up onto the IWB for all to see, but the students can post anonymously, giving them a little more bravado to speak their mind. As a result my students were all engaged and contributing. It is a fun way to stimulate discussion and not rely on the usual 2-3 students who always put up their hand.
For many teachers these ideas will already be in place in their teaching practices. For me - it was time for a freshen up, and the above are examples of how I am personally doing things a little different this year. Not only does it freshen things up for my students, but it rejuvenates my interest and passion for my work. I will make some discoveries along the way - and win, lose or draw........my students and I win in the long run.
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