So here's what evolved at my school last year;
Leading up to my school cross country carnival, I organised 'lap-running' before school where students, teachers and parents were welcome to come along and walk/jog/run laps of our oval and basketball courts. At the completion of each lap students would get their 'lap card' checked by a yr 6 Faction Captain. Every lap earned a point towards our 'Bonus Points' shield at the cross country carnival. Students also received certificates at assemblies when they reached milestones of 50, 75 and 100 laps.
It is a good system that is easy to organise and gets kids exercising and into the spirit if inter-faction competition.
I wanted this lap running to continue throughout the year, and it was maintained.....for a while.
You see, when students arrive early to school, they are allowed to play on the oval and climbing equipment, under the supervision of the before-school duty teacher. They can even get balls out of the equipment basket and play. And whilst I would continue to do laps with some students, over time the majority stopped running and began playing with others on the oval.
I was a disappointed.
The large number of lap runners had diminished.
Was the motivation lost?
Did I not push it hard enough?
Bit then I had one of those moments - "This is actually ok".
I spend a great deal of time in my role as PE teacher helping students explore a variety of physical activities in the hope that they discover what their interests are. I openly encourage my students to try new things and pursue the activities that they find most engaging for them.
If running laps does not float their boat - then so be it.
If I cracked the whip and forced kids into running laps, or made running the only option before school - then the number of students exercising would fall dramatically. They wouldn't come down to the oval at all.
But rather, on any given day, when you arrive at Queen of Apostles School, you will see a large number of students who are active before the day begins. They are exercising, socialising, laughing, experimenting, exploring, climbing, kicking, chasing and yes....... some are still doing laps too.
To see what else happens in PE at Queen of Apostles School go to